Custom t-shirt online, accessories... Shipping in North America.
Look for a design to customize and print
Custom tees in France and French-speaking countries T335 in GErmany T335 in North America

Secure payment

Payments, security and transaction management are handled by the Spreadshirt platform, none of your personal data is transmitted through this site. » More information.


Returns, exchanges and refunds are also managed end-to-end by Spreadshirt. You must address your requests to » Spreadshirt customer service. Be sure to recall your order number when reporting. Find here » more information on returns and exchange terms and conditions at Spreadshirt.

How to use the designer

The use of the designer is intuitive and simple. A list of features is available on the customization page, immediately below the Spreadshirt tool. A user manual for buttons and topics is available on the page » How to customize a t-shirt.


Requests are not processed via this site but directly by Spreadshirt. If you have a question about a reason you can however contact

Site navigation and design selection

Browse the designs to customize by theme

To find your design to customize you can go to the categories page and select the theme that interests you.

Find inspiration among all the t-shirts and designs available.

If you don't have a design idea yet, you can browse through the entire range of t-shirts and designs to customize and find inspiration.

Select your design directly in the Spreadshirt designer.

You can also select your design directly in the t-shirt designer. The Spreadshirt designer features all the designs of this shop as well as those of the other Spreadshirt affiliated shops.

Spreadshirt features hundreds of items, men's t-shirt, women's or children's t-shirt, cup, bag, tote bag etc.

The gallery of t-shirts and accessories to customize proposed by Spreadshirt is in the designer, in the left menu. Browse the items by category, men's t-shirt, women's t-shirt, children's t-shirt, bag, phone case, etc. and make your choice. The articles are available in different colours.

The size and price of the t-shirt are calculated according to the design and your modifications

To calculate the price of a custom t-shirt, click on the display price button. This price varies according to the type of printing chosen, the colors of the design etc. and is calculated when you click on the button. The button also allows you to choose the t-shirt size that suits you just before ordering.