Keep calm t-shirt
T-shirt keep calm personalized. British Royal Crown and Poster Keep Calm to complete yourself. Create your Keep Calm joke by adding your text in the designer and create an original t-shirt, or mug, or accessory of your choice. PERSONALIZATION GUIDE: 1. Before customizing the keep calm design, choose your t-shirt, bag or accessory already. You will be able to work more easily once the printing area and style of the t-shirt are displayed. The t-shirts are in the item gallery of the personalization window, which appears in the middle of the page. You can choose a red t-shirt to match the classic aesthetics of keep calm posters, or choose a different color if you want to print a variant. 2. Once the t-shirt is displayed, click on the crown or keep calm design to display the customization tools. Adjust the size and color - usually white to stand out on the red t-shirt - and position the pattern on the printing area, centering using the markers that appear when you drag the pattern. 3. For the crown or keep calm and design, it is necessary to add your custom text, and choose the font in the Spreadshirt text editor. This step is not necessary for the complete designs which are parodies of the original keep calm posters, these parodies are already formatted.